Giving Thanks is a Universal Emotion
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my compatriots in the USA who yesterday celebrated this special holiday with their families and loved ones. It is a special time in America and I wanted to first explain what this holiday means to my Australian colleagues and friends who may not have been exposed to this overseas custom. Secondly, take the opportunity to thank those close to me who have helped our organisation be what it is today.
Thanksgiving is an annual holiday across the USA on the fourth Thursday of November to celebrate the end of the harvest season, in 2019 it's November 28th. (Not to be confused with the Canadian Thanksgiving which is the second Monday in October due to the difference in seasons). Many cultures have an end of harvest festivals but no one celebrates Thanksgiving like the Americans!
American folk law says that the early European settlers arrived in America and struggled to survive but on Thanksgiving, the native Americans provided food, warm animal skins and company for a feast. Thus, showing acceptance as humans and kindness to strangers.
There are many versions of the history of this holiday that was initially proposed by George Washington and signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 during the Civil War. But what is important for us to learn is the meaning behind the holiday. Acceptance, kindness and family.
From my perspective, the organisation that we have formed, Metro Pain and Monash House Private Hospital, represents these ideals. Our mission is to help people live better. We reduce their pain and help them and their families return to normal lives. It's important work, which I take very seriously and it takes a huge effort from each individual working in our organisation to make this dream a reality.
So on this day of thanks, I give thanks to our team. The administration staff, reception, technicians, support people, nurses and Doctors who work each and every day to help reduce the suffering of others. I give thanks to their families for supporting them in their efforts and wish them all the best for an Australian version of Thanksgiving.
Even though we don't have a holiday with Turkey and Football at this time. I want to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart.