Professional Development is a cornerstone of staff development
As the Hospital Director at Monash House Private Hospital I take the responsibility of staff professional development seriously. We strive to ensure our team has access to training courses and education to build their skills for the future.
Of course, this means accessing professional development myself to build my leadership skills. I can't ask my team to take training if I am not prepared to do it myself.
It was with this in mind that I recently attended the Women in Healthcare Conference. A two day event with female leaders in Australian healthcare sharing their journeys and advice for leadership in our challenging work environments. Most of which are dominated by men.
It was an excellent event with very authentic, inspirational and at time quite hilarious insights into the lives of the women working in the healthcare industry. I met some wonderful people full of energy and enthusiasm. Just meeting them made me proud to be living and working in Australian Healthcare as I know our industry is in good hands.
The biggest learning for me was how medical professionals manage their work lives and private lives. It was revealing how much the key speakers shared about themselves and the challenges they had in their leadership roles.
One very inspiring speaker was Dr Teresa Anderson AM, the CEO of NSW Health who had some wonderful advice for woman leaders.
Her 7 qualities of a successful leader stuck with me and I wanted to share them here:
Communication skills
Able to deal with complex, ambiguous, uncertain or conflicting agenda
Able to engage with a wide range of stakeholders and build part
Political nous
Passion and Vision
Values - has a clear set of consistently displayed values – sets the Culture
I believe we espouse these values in our organisation and I am proud of how we represented ourselves amongst the much larger hospitals and organisations at the event. Everyone was treated as equals as we were all there to empower women in our sphere of influence.
If you are a staff member of Monash House Private Hospital and wish to do some professional development please reach out to me and for those yet to join our organisation, you can be confident that we will live up to these seven qualities of leadership.