News & Updates
The Power of a Smile to Make a Difference to Someone in Need
We strive for this culture at Monash House. It's challenging to be perfect, but we do our best to attract the best people and provide the right environment to keep our service levels as high as possible. We are always looking for the right people to assist us.
Building a Team Culture One Employee at a Time
Today I was pleased to receive an award for 'Going the Extra Mile' from the Medical Director of Monash House Private Hospital, Dr Paul Verrills.
It was an unexpected reward for helping a nurse in need several years ago. He heard about how I had supported a nurse from overseas to find employment, offered emotional support and even had her stay at my home while she recovered from a challenging marriage break up. You can read the entire story here on Paul's blog.
Fighting the battle against Chronic Pain requires an Army
Deloitte recently released a report, commissioned by Painaustralia, on the true cost of chronic pain in Australia and the findings are staggering. The human, personal and economic cost is one of the largest health issues affecting the health of Australians and one that isn't talked about enough.
How mastering your thinking completely impacts outcomes and happiness
For those of you who know me personally - I love pioneering and adopting new ideas that can change lives and help patients and their families - live better!
I was introduced to Dianne and Alan Collins 10 years ago and subsequently to Dianne’s book: Do You QuantumThink?: New Thinking That Will Rock Your World.